Get it - Give it - Live it

 Worship Schedule
In-Person Worship - Sundays: 9:00 & 10:30
Live streaming Sunday at 10:30

Nursery and Toddler Care during both services
Small Groups (Sunday school)  for Kids @ 10:30 every Sunday
Adult Sunday School 10:15am - Altman Room CLC

What's Happening  AT GRACE POINT

Wednesday,  February 12: Adult Bible Study - 10:00am & 7:00pm in the lobby
PB&J Friends - 5:30-7:30pm in the Christian Life Center
Youth Group 6:30pm-8:30pm in the Christian Life Center (Valentine's Random Acts of Kindness)
Sunday, February 16: Worship 9:00am & 10:30am in the Sanctuary
Adult Sunday School 10:15 in the Altman Room
Toddler Class 10:30am in the Main Church Toddler Room
The Junction (Kids' Small Groups) 10:30am in the Christian Life Center

Spring 2025 Connection Groups 
Sign up on the cafe doors or call the church office.

Watch Online

Join us Online Sundays at 10:30am

Grace Point Podcast Now Streaming

New episodes released weekly on Wednesday mornings. Each episode will begin with the sermon from the previous Sunday, and following the sermon we will further discuss the message and frequently guests will join in the conversation.

We'd love to Pray for you!

Need something else?

Right Now Media

Rightnow Media is like the Netflix of Christian Bible studies. With access to 10,000+ Bible Study videos, from 150 leading Christian publishers and ministries, you'll find valuable tools for your neighborhood groups, personal development, and areas of life training like marriage and parenting.
The church has a membership so you can sign up for free today and take advantage of the many Bible Studies and resources that are available to you through this service.
There are 2 ways to sign up:
1. Scan the QR Code
2. Fill out the form below with your name and email address and you will receive an invitation to join Right Now Media

Grace Point Kids

Nursery and Toddler Care during both services
Small Groups (Sunday school)  for Kids @ 10:30 every Sunday


Get It

Give It

Live It

Welcome to Grace Point! Our desire is to be a point of grace in our community and in our world. We exist to help people begin a growing relationship with Jesus that lasts all the way into eternity. Our goal is for everyone to experience grace on three levels. We want to: Get it…Give it…Live it!

Connect with us.

Gathering Times

Sunday Mornings
9:00am & 10:30am
Address: 683 Portland Way N, Galion, OH 44833