
Summer Camp Registration!
Early Bird Discount ends April 1st!

Come and join us every Sunday at 10:30 in the Christian Life Center!

This Month's Life App

This month our focus is HOPE: Believing that something good can come out of something bad.. Even when we face trouble, we can find hope because of Jesus. We can believe that something good can come out of something bad.

We can’t always understand why some things happen. But we can believe in a God who keeps promises. We can have hope—even in the toughest times—because we know God can make something good out of something bad.

“In this world you will have trouble. But be encouraged! I have won the battle over the world.” (John 16:33b, NIrV)

Have fun watching and learning as a family!

Infants & Toddlers

This Month's Focus:

Who is alive? Jesus is alive!

Before Jesus died, people were thankful that He loved everyone. They were thankful for His miracles. They were thankful for His teaching. And they celebrated Him! But after Jesus died and came back, everything changed. Everything changed. Now all people can celebrate that Jesus is alive, forever and ever.

“I am alive forever and ever!”Revelation 1:18, NIV
  •  Infants: Nursery care is available for infants during both services in the main church building.  
  • Toddlers: Preschoolers are welcome in the Nursery during the 9:00 service. During the 10:30 service there is a small group for them in the main church building.  

Small Groups

(Sunday School)

  •  During the 10:30 am service, join  us in the classrooms in the Christian Life Center (September- May).
  • Our small groups are split into 4 different groups divided by age levels.
  • Small group leaders guide interactive lessons that carry over our virtues that develop characteristics of God like love, humility, knowledge, joy and others!
  • We have a team of committed volunteers who invest weekly into the lives of our kids. 

Our goal is for all kids to learn 3 things before they reach middle school:

I can trust God no matter what.

I need to make the wise choice.

I should treat others the way I want to be treated.


June 2nd-6th!